Top 5 Must learn MS Excel Formulas for any sales person

Top 5 Must learn MS Excel Formulas for any sales person

if you are a sales person, then data analysis must be the part of your job.

These are top 5 MS Excel formulas which may help you in your daily job of data analysis.



By this formula, you may calculate a bigger dataset by adding them.

2. Concatenate

2. Concatenate

Concatenate helps you to add multiple strings togather.

3.  Trim

3.  Trim

Trim helps you to remove unnecessary spaces from a text part.

4.  V-Look up

4.  V-Look up

V Look up helps you to get desired data sets from different table in seconds.

4. Match Formula

4. Match Formula

Match function helps you to find the position of desired value in different  data set.

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